
Tuesday 3 July 2012


It is not only Barcelona's skies that are being showered with toxic chemicals... It is happening all over the world. The evening before last the skies above my house were streaked with the trails, chords stretching from horizon to horizon, and I woke to a chemical laden sky: a veil of artificial cloud, dappled with chem-trail dispersal. This occurrence is frequently patterning the skies from North America to London to New Zealand. They are streaking the skies right above our heads repeatedly and it's happening more and more with every day that passes, creating a gauze of toxic mist that is filling the air that we breathe and is making toxic the air that fills our lungs. These are not the normal 'contrails' that follow the tails of planes, chem-trails are filled nano particles of barium, uranium, mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, strontium and aluminium. The governments of the world are silent on the issue but we have a right to transparency.

Normal 'Contrails' diminish at the same speed as the nose of the plane travels forward whereas 'chem-trails' do not. They are persistent and disperese throughout the air within a few hours of the sky being liberally sprayed. The blue then turns to a milky haze blanketing the sun and it then rains shortly afterwards (there has been a bit of a pattern recently!). These planes also have the ability to switch the spraying on and off as they move across the sky: something which the planes of noral jet exhaust fumes are incapable of doing. It has been found that the soil and water of sprayed areas is contaminated with very high levels of all chemicals present in the persistent trails and in the haze in the sky - aluminium being sprayed in the largest volumes. 

It then makes you question why MONSANTO are 'pioneering' genetically modified (GM) aluminium resistant crops and seeds when aluminium is currently being rained down upon most of the farming land in the world, making it impossible for any non geneticaklly modified crops and plants to be grown succesfully. 

These chem-trails have a purpose which it not being disclosed to the public and MONSANTO are going to make huge profits form it - as they have done from the exploitation of the unknowing public and from the poisoning of the food chain many many times before... 

Look up on a near sunny day and you'll see them. 

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