
Sunday 15 July 2012

Waking to a sky of chem trails.

I woke up fairly early the morning as the shafts of sunlight that filter through my curtains mean that I always seem to rise as the morning does [and the sun has very rarely shone recently so I suppose I was more sensitive to it's light]. I awoke to find the sky streaked with chem trails - above my house and across the valley in all directions. I counted 28. I watched a number of jets spraying. I have marked one area of their dispersal in photographs...

7.00am this morning, tight threads across the sky...

by 8.45am the sky is a mass of milky haze...

[Sorry that the photographs are a bit unclear - I couldn't find the right lens for the camera!]

Wednesday 11 July 2012

CHEM TRAILS and the state of a world in the grip of corporate control.

As I peered through the shield of my bedroom window at about 6.00pm yesterday, I saw 10, maybe more, chem trail streaks across a thin fraction of blue sky - a narrow window between thick, heavy cloud cover. I dread to think of the state of expanse of blue hidden from sight...

To the right was a huge wave of dense fog stretching from horizon to horizon graduating into the blue with an artificial consistency and then a tide of dappled, evenly broken cloud cover to the left. Between were the misty wisps and toxic flicks of white. The jets appeared at once and were spraying at quite high altitude above the dense cloud cover, which seemed unusual as the sun has only very rarely shone today.

The authorities, those global powers, must have another agenda as artificial 'cloud' above a band of lower altitude cloud doesn't seem to follow the distorted logic of 'geo engineers', if weather control IS the reason...

The sudden deluge of rainfall across the country, the increase in alzehiemers, the sudden onset of chest infection and whooping cough in babies children, adults and the elderly seem far more than simply coincidental... As I write, I am sat opposite my brother as he splutters and chokes every few minutes suffering from a respiratory illness. 

This is not some foreign 'conspiracy theory', seemingly distant both in logic and in reality, this is real. It is not something that we can tilt our head and lower our bottom lip towards. It is not something that we can say 'Really? How dreadful!' in response and then continue in our corporate intoxication. It is potentially effecting you now and will effect you in the future: those you love and every other person that wanders beneath it's visible presence and  inhales it's invisible mist of toxicity and deceit. 

We are imprisoned in the 'free' society, of corporate greed and of a control sealed outside of the immediate consciousness of most, within which we are given superficial control and choice: choice between whether we will buy a blackberry or an iPhone; choice between whether we will shop in Tesco or in Sainsburys; choice between whether we will fuel the existence of Dow or Monsanto. Either way our choices fuel those in more control than ourselves. We move within the space between ourselves and the walls of our cage. Society seems content in our knowable ignorance. Our eyes are closed to the world outside of the societal spheres in which we circulate.  This is not freedom. This is the corporations [and ultimately those tugging at their puppet strings] blindfolding the masses with trivial choice, distracting them from a disastrous reality with an assumed control over their lives.

It brings sadness and anger...

It makes me feel restless: as though I the need to shake the people I see wandering beneath the blanket of toxic cloud, wading through the air thick with the toxicity of poison and human hedonism and tilt their heads towards the sky, towards what is so clear to our eyes yet so clouded from our warped  logic...

We need to spread awareness.
We need to distinguish between the way that world is supposed to exist and the way that the corporations, governments and authorities have made society believe that this is the way that society should exist.

Saturday August 18th 2012. 

Wednesday 4 July 2012

PERFUME: the chemicals concealed from public knowledge.

              I took a bit of a uncomfortable journey the other day... the car was dense with the invisible mist of a heady toxicity  - in other words AFTERSHAVE and the phthalates, methylene chloride, ethyl acetate, Benzyl acetate and acetone, that are poured into the concoction, the poison, the carcinogenic swill, that disease causing haze that society pays millions for - it began to feel as though every little piece of matter in my body had been drawn upwards, had collected in my head: my expanding, swelling, throbbing head with a pressure against it's fragile, strained exterior. I could almost feel it's corrosive vapour clinging to the tissue of my throat, staining my lungs and, like a parasite, draining health and leaking it's poison throughout my body.

                It should not be seen as just for this to inflicted upon others. I understand the argument of 'free will' but this is not an exercise in free will. Something that affects others to such an extent cannot be classified as free will, and I'm sure that those with chemical sensitivities, asthma and those with concern would agree. With endocrine disruption, cancer, allergy sensitization and reproductive toxicity as proven attributed health affects, the health and fertility of others cannot be seen as someone's free will to exploit, even if unintentional. 

^Sorry these graphs are a bit small. They're worth zooming in on though! 

Tuesday 3 July 2012


It is not only Barcelona's skies that are being showered with toxic chemicals... It is happening all over the world. The evening before last the skies above my house were streaked with the trails, chords stretching from horizon to horizon, and I woke to a chemical laden sky: a veil of artificial cloud, dappled with chem-trail dispersal. This occurrence is frequently patterning the skies from North America to London to New Zealand. They are streaking the skies right above our heads repeatedly and it's happening more and more with every day that passes, creating a gauze of toxic mist that is filling the air that we breathe and is making toxic the air that fills our lungs. These are not the normal 'contrails' that follow the tails of planes, chem-trails are filled nano particles of barium, uranium, mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, strontium and aluminium. The governments of the world are silent on the issue but we have a right to transparency.

Normal 'Contrails' diminish at the same speed as the nose of the plane travels forward whereas 'chem-trails' do not. They are persistent and disperese throughout the air within a few hours of the sky being liberally sprayed. The blue then turns to a milky haze blanketing the sun and it then rains shortly afterwards (there has been a bit of a pattern recently!). These planes also have the ability to switch the spraying on and off as they move across the sky: something which the planes of noral jet exhaust fumes are incapable of doing. It has been found that the soil and water of sprayed areas is contaminated with very high levels of all chemicals present in the persistent trails and in the haze in the sky - aluminium being sprayed in the largest volumes. 

It then makes you question why MONSANTO are 'pioneering' genetically modified (GM) aluminium resistant crops and seeds when aluminium is currently being rained down upon most of the farming land in the world, making it impossible for any non geneticaklly modified crops and plants to be grown succesfully. 

These chem-trails have a purpose which it not being disclosed to the public and MONSANTO are going to make huge profits form it - as they have done from the exploitation of the unknowing public and from the poisoning of the food chain many many times before... 

Look up on a near sunny day and you'll see them. 


I heard a fleeting comment on a documentary a few days ago and as soon as the words filled my ears and found meaning I was fidgety with an annoyance that made me bite my bottom lip to muffle the anger that was desperate to realise life (even if there were only two people in the room to be feel to it!). 

It was not the fault of the words, I cannot beset positioned letters, they are innocent and benign in their infancy. They are merely shuffled into some sort of order by the mesh of wires and tissue of the brain from which they are plucked. It was the mouth from which the were given life, the brain from which they were born: the orderer of the words. Yes, with him I CAN be angry. With him I AM angry. The words that were spat from this man's mouth followed the theme 'Environmental concern is only a middle class preoccupation'. The muffling was futile. The anger was won, and rightfully so I feel! 

  Perhaps from the way that I have explained the scene makes it sounds as though my anger, once broken free from it's suppression, tore in wails through the house: dissolved disagreement to dust and shredded into slivers of silence any opposition that hiccuped into the neutral air. It's just the closed thinking that angered me, the product of a 'modern society' where 'concern' is a fashion statement and 'health' is the product of celebrity worship: a distraction from an immoral and failing reality. 

The government give us assumed power and control of the things little that fill our lives, that decorate the spheres in which we are enclosed, yet the things that are universal, the things that transcend race, income and societal segregation are the things that we have little control over and are the things that will cause every life upon earth to suffer: animals and humans as one. Hidden atrocities such as chem-trails: the chemicals showered from the wings of planes - that dissipate in all their heady toxicity into the blue only to descend upon the unknowing - to fill the lungs of the innocent and vulnerable: the 'poor'; the 'rich'; the 'upper class', 'middle class' and 'working class'. Humans are humans and humans are animals. One is not exempt from the toxic hedonism of modern society simply because one can afford to brush their bleached white veneers with the dust of a coral reef severed by hand from the shallows of the Pacific ocean or lace ones hair with sap from the trees of Amazon skyscrapers. It doesn't work like that. That is not concern. That is hypocrisy. In this sense I suppose I agree with this man and his view of 'preoccupation'. What I disagreed with was the way that he made it seem that this was all that environmental concern is - that the middle classes are where it is born and where it dies, where it begins and ends.  

We need to avoid existing as a flock of misty eyed sheep within a misty eyed bundle directed towards a unified unknown: a heard of similarity following a well trodden path deepened by past attempt and failure. Something drastic is needed to make a change. We need to stop and think about things around us - the real things: the things beneath the pavement, beneath the foundations of our homes, beneath the blanket of concrete that separates us from reality. How the world is exploited, how destruction, and environmental desecration has become a common denomentor present within most house holds, every town, every city and every county on our small little island. An Island choked by pollution: the intoxicating fumes of human greed that seem to muffle the cries of the earth that has born us. The further we delve into 'modernism' (a word tainted by delusional positivity), the further we jostle our way towards 'progression' and the more extreme the suppression of the world around us and beneath our feet becomes, the more society seems to delude itself into denying those cries. We become blinded. Our fundamental, inextricable and biological binding within the earth as an organism and a cohesive ecosystem has faded from the minds of those by whom we are controlled and by those that hold the power and the ability to provoke the saving change.

I almost feel as though the whole of civilization needs to wipe the slate, stained with the scars of death, poverty, global disaster and poison, clean. We need to start from the very beginning and exist in a world in which we integrate, we heal and we nourish the world in the way that it nourishes us. We should understand the concept of balance, of equality of reciprocal empathy yet we only see the concepts of hedonism and greed. Money. Money needs to be abolished. Capitalism needs to be abolished. Development needs to be abolished. How can an economy solely based upon growth ever be sustainable? In order for growth to take place, the organism seeking growth has to have something vulnerable to exploit, something by which it is fed: this is the earth. Much to our detriment and to the detriment of animals - our equals, and the earth - our creator. I fear that the human race is directed towards a catastrophic ending. In actual fact, in relation to time, the human race is quite inconsequential within the large expansive life of the earth yet we will be the thing to which its life will face unnecessary death.

We, the human race, are a mere blot of ink upon the virgin sands of the once most pristine shores. Shores caressed by the heaving and dragging waves that stroke it’s sands with an admiration of it’s preciousness, not poison it’s waters and stir its ashes as the human race insists.

Can’t you see it? 

I can. I can see the building of towers so tall, we rise into the air, elevate ourselves nearer and nearer into the stratosphere, titillate the edge of impossibility, until we reach the brink of human power, simply to prove to ourselves that we are dominant, or to state our dominance to each other. 

‘We have now laid claim to this land. It is ours’ we will say. 
'That drowning of life, the distinguishing of beauty – that was merely inconsequential. It is not of relevance to us. We are exempting, we of our evangelical knowledge, we are celestial beings, we are in touch with the higher powers', we will say. 'We are here for a purpose'. We will say. 'We must be'. We will say. 
We will reach a ‘pinnacle’ of destructive accomplishment, blind to the reality of our ways. Whilst trying to delude ourselves of our morality, trying to exempt ourselves from immorality. I can see air so thick . I can see waters saturated with the products of human greed - the oceans that created us. I can see the earth shattering into dank and grey fragments of it’s once abundant and verdant former self. 

'This is us. This is what we have done', we will say. 'This is the truth of  power and greed'. We will say. 
Only it will be too late for anything said.